SMART goals for scientists
(the "mindful way")
And I’ve made something for you! Now let me introduce you to the…
SMART goals for scientists (the "mindful way")
Design the path with the steps you need to take so that you can achieve your goals this year, gather the motivation you’ll need, and fall in love again with the process on the way there
This is not just a theory class on productivity. This is a practical workshop for scientists where you'll have the space and time to design a plan on how to achieve the goals that really matter to YOU without losing the motivation long the way...and no more spending time on tasks that bring you nowhere!
The end result
A clear plan of what you need to do the coming months to achieve your goals. The SMART goals to advance your science career. A plan that you feel so good about, that you can't avoid to take the first steps...things that you kept postponing for weeks!
And when you come out of the workshop, you may feel like this:
You probably started the year with plan, or even goals
But now, the year has passed, and you have the feeling you haven't achieved anything!
When you look back, you immediately feel guilty about all those unfinished tasks...
About those co-authors waiting for you to finish the paper. About your supervisor waiting for you to finish your data analyses. About the grant proposal, you haven't even started…
And while the summer starts, you feel you don't even can afford to go on holiday!
If that's you...Please STOP!
You've achieved much more than you think. Many of those tasks you can still finish in the rest of the year. And others...well, they shouldn't even have landed on your list of goals for the year (yes, true).
This is the perfect moment for a proper goal-setting process. But the "mindful way". So you can feel satisfied with what you've achieved, but also have clear goals and a plan in place to finish those projects that are still pending.

Gabriela Córdoba
PhD researcher
Catalan Institute for Water Research, Spain
After the workshop, I feel better about my goals and future projects. I needed this time to think about how to achieve the things I want to achieve for the rest of 2021. Also, the workbook it's really helpful, I'm looking forward to filling it!

Rosie Sheward
Postdoctoral researcher
Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt am Main, Germany
It's a really good investment of a few hours of your day for thought and reflection to stay (or get back!) on track and give yourself some optimism for why you're doing what you want to do over the next months! Although I had done some detailed planning before, I had bypassed mapping these tasks to specific goals, and particularly linking those day-to-day tasks to the "why is this goal even important to me?".

Tibo Costaz
PhD researcher
Wageningen University, The Netherlands
I never had a clear overview of goals for any of my Ph.D. years. Now, I think that having measurable steps towards your goals is key because it gives you a nice feeling of accomplishment along the way (or the realization that perhaps it is not what you like to do and should change). After this workshop, I feel motivated for most of my goals, and definitely recommend it!

Marta Albo
Postdoctoral researcher
University of Algarve, Portugal
This workshop helped me block a time to sit down and write, not only those goals but also a plan with the tasks to make them happen (which for some I didn’t believe was possible). If you have problems planning your goals and make them achievable, and you are looking for motivation to write down those goals, then the workshop will be perfect for you.
What you'll get as a result of attending the SMART goals for scientists workshop:

Clarity of what has gone well and not so well in the past period
Your goals for the next period, formulated in an even SMARTER way!
A step-by-step plan to achieve those goals that will advance your science career
The key motivators for when you feel like dropping some goals
Extra Bonuses to help you focus and write, that are being a success among my students!

SMART goals for scientists
Join today and you'll get instant access to:
☞ The 2.5 hour video training to set your goals for this or next year
☞ A workbook to reflect and have your goals all in one place
And these special bonuses, only available for a limited time!
✨ Bonus 1: printable weekly, monthly, and yearly planners
✨ Bonus 2: a 1-h masterclass on Mindful Scientific Writing
✨ Bonus 3: invitation to attend the workshop live next time!
Join in now, and for a limited time, for 47 €! (+VAT)
More nice things people say...

Why a goal-setting workshop for scientists?
Because you're probably busy. The to-do list of every scientist I know is huge. And only looking at it triggers immediate stress! And the problem is not that it's long...the problem is that you may get lost and forget what is important to you.
Setting goals is not just writing what you want to achieve. It starts with reflecting on what you REALLY want. And then continues by formulating those goals in a specific way...based on the S.M.A.R.T. goals, we will make them even S.M.A.R.T.E.R. But as usual, in a mindful way!
The result? A higher chance that you achieve those goals (actually, by 42%). And a clear plan with what you need to do to get there. Not to mention, a boost in motivation!
Do you join us?
For those who don't know me...
Hi, I’m Ana Pineda, PhD and I help academics like you to focus and write. I've taken everything I've learned from more than 15 years of doing research and helped more than 400 scientists with their writing and productivity so they can feel confident with their work. Through my courses, workshops like this, and writing retreats, we follow a mindful approach to get things done. But the things that matter to you! My mission is to make this world better by helping scientists to have a more productive, more creative, and happier research life. Should we start?

For who is this goal-setting workshop?

This workshop is designed for you, if you are a scientist or an academic and can at least answer yes to one of these things:
You’re planning to do too many things every day, week, and month (and then feel like a “failure” for not finishing them)
You’re jumping from goal to goal, feeling overwhelmed and without focus
You say yes to things you should say no to and then have zero motivation for them!
You had goals. But they were not very specific and now you realize you cannot do what needs to be done. So you just drop them (and oops, again that “failure” feeling).
Any "yes"? Then you’re in the right place!
But I also need to tell you that this program is probably NOT for you if:
You are not willing to reflect and dig a bit inside you…You need that work to find out what motivates you. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to achieve goals that stretch you out of your comfort zone (and we'll plan some of those!).
You don't like to plan things and prefer to live in the moment. That's fine, but this workshop is about looking both into the past and intro the future.
You are seeking a solution to feelings of depression or burnout. I am not a therapist. These are serious issues that require professional help, so if you feel you need that kind of help, please contact a professional. Most Universities will offer support.

Yes! Now you can also sign up for this using Paypal
Totally. Because this is not a class, but a space where you´ll have the time and guidance to go accompanied through the goal-setting process. Plus, this time you’ll do it following the “mindful approach” that characterizes “I focus and write”.
Not at all! I recommend every scientist at any stage of their career to do a goal-setting exercise twice a year. However, the programs of “I focus and write” are mainly designed for early-career scientists at the stage of Ph.D., Postdoc, and early Assistant Professors.
If after attending this workshop you feel that it was a loss of your time, let me know within 30 days and I will give you a refund. I usually don't do this for my programs, but I honestly think this workshop can change your 2022. So I want to remove any possible barriers!

SMART goals for scientists
Join today and you'll get instant access to:
☞ The 2.5 hour video training to set your goals for next year
☞ A workbook to reflect and have your goals all in one place
And these special bonuses!
✨ Bonus 1: printable weekly, monthly, and yearly planners
✨ Bonus 2: a 1-h masterclass on Mindful Scientific Writing
✨ Bonus 3: invitation to attend the workshop live next time!
Join in now, and for a limited time, for 47 €! (+VAT)